My oh My how things have change!!
Since this past Summer my life has been SO "Up in the Air" that I have not been able
to create anything because I never knew if I was coming or going!!
But now we have recently moved from Mississippi
to Tennessee because of my husbands job!
So..... We are currently living in an apartment until our house sells...
and it's been fun!
BUT..... I am having sewing machine withdrawals! ha ha ha!!
I should have brought the darn thing! Dumb!!
So... have been a knitting & crocheting fool!

It's kinda comical.
I have ALL kinds of different little beanies lined up in a row!!
I'm thinking someone needs to hurry up and have some babies in my family!!
One part of moving is going adventuring finding new and fun things to do:
~Nashville's Farmers' Market~
~Hiking at Bledsoe Creek Park~
~ Finding our Favorite Store in Hendersonville, Tn~
-The Finder's Nest-
~Exploring Neat Old Cemeteries ~
~And.. FUN at the Nashville Flea Market~
I must say though I am ready to be in our new home, all settled in
and watching the kids playing outside!
We are just praying our house in Mississippi sells sooner than later,
but know that God has a plan!!

I'm so looking forward to FINALLY start sewing
and creating again until my heart's content!

And starting our New Season of Life!!
Life is good!
~be blessed~
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