~*~Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? ~*~ Matthew 6:26

July 21, 2013

For I know the plans I have........

My days usually consist of waking up, driving the kids to school, coming home, coffee & internet, cleaning, laundry, errands, grocery shopping.... blah! blah! blah! for about 5 hours until I have to get ready to go pick the kids back up from school! 
So Now..... I no longer have to take the kids to school or pick them up! 
Ty can DRIVE!! Whoo Hoo!!
That means I have ALL DARN DAY LONG until after they get home from 
Football and Soccer Practice around 5:30! What the what? 
How can this BE??? 
10 straight hours of Home/Me time!! 

So I have plans, BIG plans to just do "My" thing.... create dolls! 
At my own pace, OF COURSE! 
So this might mean a few dolls, a ton of dolls or ONE doll a week! ha ha ha!! 
Only GOD knows..... 
My family ALWAYS comes first to me, always!  
So I maybe sewing eyes on at a soccer game 
or stitching a stitchery at a Football Scrimmage!!! 

As long as I'm moving forward, that's a good thing, right?
SO.... Stay tuned! I should have my etsy page up soon! 
Thank you all for being such wonderful customers!! 
lots of love & hope, 

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