~*~Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? ~*~ Matthew 6:26

January 11, 2011

Riding a bike....

So, like I said....
I tried working a "Real Job" for a year!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
And.... I learned I'm just not cut out for it!!
So around November my dear friend in California ordered
a "Long" doll, as we call it, for her dear friend for her Birthday!!!
BUT I hadn't sewn or created much of anything for a LONG time!!
SO away I went..... tracing, sewing, stuffing, painting, stitching, staining....
Whew... it was like riding a bike! You never forget how to do it!!
Hot Diggity Dog!!
She was so much fun to make!!!
She made it to California in one piece
and is now resting cozy in Miss Tara's home!!
I believe she named her "Old Miss"!!
Ha! Ha!
I'm thinking today I am going to go jump back on that bike
and create something Valentine!!
We shall see how far I peddle! ha ha!!
Wish me luck!!

3 Wonderful Comments:

~*~Birdy~*~ said...

Peddle Peddle Peddle~*~ Use the ~**~Gift God gave You~**~....Smiles and Hugs~ Moma

Melody said...

Can I quit my job and do crafts too? That would be my dream! Peddle, peddle, peddle!

Linda~AKA Belle said...

Oh YIPPIE HOORAY! Do what your good at!!! Oh man that would mean you would have to do it all!!! Have fun can't wait to see what your imagination has instore for your buyers!! Lucky us! Love you bunches!